RACS Organized Second Annual Alumni Dinner

To see them now, as they have ventured beyond the security of high school, and to see how they have thrived, is a powerful experience. What we took away from several students and their experiences is that although they may not have fully understood what they had while they were here, what they have done or seen in their time beyond high school has given them the perspective to more fully appreciate their time at RACS. The turnout alone is a powerful statement of the connectivity between our students and our school, especially that we had 2 students who attended the event because they had been here for part of their high school experience, but had not graduated from RACS. That in their busy lives and schedules, and with transportation or other issues, our students found a way to be there shows how important RACS is to them. And, there was a powerful sense of camaraderie among our students, not only within individual classes, but between both graduating classes. They were so encouraging toward each other, regardless of where each person is in the journey beyond high school.