On Tuesday, June 7, we recognized those students who have earned distinction in school activities. We are happy and proud to honor these students.
Below are just a few of the many accomplishments celebrated during the awards ceremony:
New York State Scholarships for Academic Excellence
Awards provided by the state of New York for academic excellence. Scholoarships must be used at an approved New York State Post-Secondary Institution. These scholarships are on hold pending passage of the New York State Budget. Congratulations to Kaniya McKenzie awarded $1,500 each year for 4 years and Zehra Bayazit awarded $500 each year for 4 years
Bausch and Lomb Science Award
Awarded to a junior who has attained high achievement and rigor in science classes and high PSAT Math and/or SAT Math scores. This science award medalist is eligible to compete for a Bausch and Lomb Science Scholarship worth $30,000 at The University of Rochester. Congratulations Brandan Madigan.
Frederick Douglass & Susan B. Anthony Award in Humanities & Social Sciences
Awarded to an outstanding junior who exemplifies the revolutionary sprit of these two individuals and demonstrates a commitment to understanding and addressing difficult social issues. This award medalist is eligible to compete for a scholarship worth $30,000 at The University of Rochester. Congratulations Ayse Pirbudak.
George Eastman Young Leaders Award
Awarded to a junior for outstanding achievement in leadership and academics. This award medalist is eligible to compete for a George Eastman Young Leaders scholarship worth $30,000 at The University of Rochester. Congratulations Ian-Shika Dancil.
Xerox Award for Innovation and Information Technology Awarded to a junior for outstanding achievement in the pursuit of innovative approaches and an appreciation for the possibilities of technology. This award medalist is eligible to compete for a Xerox scholarship worth $30,000 at The University of Rochester. Congratulations Willie Brooks Jr..
R.I.T. Computing Medal Award
Awarded to a junior girl and boy who represent the ideals of total quality in both scholastic achievement and school and community activities. The recipient is eligible for a $28,000 scholarship to RIT if he or she is accepted to and enrolls full time at RIT in the fall following his or her high school graduation. Congratulations Yusuf Amadi and My’Nayziya King.
R.I.T. Innovation & Creativity Award
Awarded to a junior girl and boy who represent the ideals of total quality in both scholastic achievement and school and community activities. The recipient is eligible for a $28,000 scholarship to RIT if he or she is accepted to and enrolls full time at RIT in the fall following his or her high school graduation. Congratulations Jamal Scott and Cierra Breedlove.
Awarded to a junior who represents the ideals of total quality in both scholastic achievement and school and community activities. The recipient is eligible for a $60,000 scholarship to Elmira College if he or she is accepted to and enrolls full time at Elmira College in the fall following his or her high school graduation. Congratulations Essence Hagan.
Many more congratulations to all our RACS students for their hard work throughout the school year.